my.mail is the answer to many a travellers' prayer. It is a powerful email client that works like Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. Due to its handy portability, my.mail lets you bring your email messages and contacts everywhere you go. Just plug it into any online computer and my.mail lets you send/ receive your mail. You DO NOT need to configure your mail settings on the computer as it's all self-contained within the SmarThumb! my.mail handles up to 20 mail accounts - email and webmail. And to ensure the security and confidentiality of your correspondences, my.mail is PassPhrase protected. For added convenience, you can also synchronize your messages Between my.mail and you PC's Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. my.mail also come with an address book which you can store and organize your email contact. This digital phone and address book allows contact information input by Country and Category for efficient sorting.
Send and receive email from any online computer.
Download mail for later use.
Allows backup copy at server.
Exports mail to MS Outlook and Outlook Express.
Mails are downloaded directly into SmarThumb, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
Import/Export Address Book with Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook.
Can handle up to 20 email accounts.
Passphrase Protection.
Mail Preview allows selective downloading, and counters spam and virus-infected mail.